Ansible by Red Hat

19 Oct, 2024
selected by Aidas Bendoraitis

Ansible is a popular open-source automation tool designed to simplify IT infrastructure management and application deployment. By automating repetitive tasks, Ansible allows DevOps teams to focus on software development rather than getting caught up in manual processes. It enables automation of various tasks, including resource provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, continuous delivery, and system integration. With its "infrastructure as code" approach, Ansible uses human-readable scripts called playbooks, making it easier for teams to define and manage their IT infrastructure.

One of Ansible's standout features is its agentless architecture, meaning there's no need to install any software on the managed nodes—the devices being automated. Instead, Ansible communicates through SSH for Unix systems and Windows Remote Management for Windows systems, sending small programs known as modules to execute tasks. The main components of Ansible include the control node (where Ansible is installed), managed nodes, inventory files that list managed nodes, modules that perform specific tasks, tasks that combine modules with their arguments, and playbooks that outline the sequence of actions to be executed.

Ansible offers several key features and benefits, such as simplicity, scalability, and flexibility. It employs an easy-to-read YAML syntax for playbooks, ensuring accessibility even for those new to automation. Its agentless nature reduces overhead and maintenance efforts, while its idempotent design guarantees consistent results when running playbooks multiple times. Supporting a wide range of operating systems, cloud platforms, and network devices, Ansible has become the go-to choice for enterprise automation, backed by a robust open-source community and Red Hat, making it a powerful yet user-friendly tool for IT professionals.

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