Help: Opportunities

Finding Opportunities

How do I find job opportunities on PyBazaar?

Go to OpportunitiesAll jobs & projects and then choose an Opportunity type you are looking for (Full-time job, Part-time job, Freelance work, etc.), choose other filters as necessary, and click on Apply filter.

Can I filter job opportunities by specific Python skills or experience levels?

Go to OpportunitiesAll jobs & projects and then choose any filters that seem necessary to you: opportunity type, experience level, specialization, team diversity, location, required education, industry, etc. At the end, click on Apply filter.

Can I post or search for international opportunities?

Some job opportunities are specific to a certain location, others are international and remote. Use the filters to find out the best options for you.

Adding Career Opportunities and Networking

How do I post a job opportunity or collaboration request?

Go to OpportunitiesPost a job or project, choose a type of opportunity that you are offering.

This is a list of opportunity types you can create:

  • Full-time job
  • Part-time job
  • Freelance work
  • Internship
  • Open-source contribution
  • Community-driven project
  • Volunteering
  • Mentorship program

Then fill in all the textual fields. Click Next. Add a company or project logo. Click Save and publish.

How to post a job offer?

Create an opportunity of these types: Full-time job, Part-time job, Freelance work, or Internship, describe what kind of people you are looking for, and leave and email or a link to your website's contact form, so that potential candidates could reach you.

Here are some tips for an informative description:

  • Detail Key Responsibilities: Clearly outline the primary duties of the role, such as designing systems, writing clean code, or optimizing performance, so candidates understand what their day-to-day will look like.
  • Specify Required Skills and Experience: List the technical skills (e.g., Python, Django, SQL) and relevant experience levels needed, ensuring candidates know what expertise is essential for the role.
  • Highlight Tools and Technologies Used: Mention any specific tools, libraries, or technologies (e.g., Git, Docker, Kubernetes) that will be used in the role, helping candidates gauge their fit.
  • Describe Team and Collaboration Style: Explain the dynamics of the team, such as whether you follow Agile practices, use pair programming, or value independent problem-solving, to give candidates insight into the working environment.
  • Emphasize Learning and Development Opportunities: Highlight opportunities for professional growth, such as mentorship, exposure to new technologies, or conference attendance, to attract candidates eager to learn and evolve.
How can I invite others for collaboration?

Create an opportunity of these types: Open-source contribution, Community-driven project, or Volunteering, describe what kind of people you are looking for, and leave and email or a link to your website's contact form, so that potential collaborators could reach you.

Here are some tips for an informative description:

  • Clearly Define the Project: Start by providing a concise description of your project, including its goals, tech stack, and what problem it aims to solve, to give potential collaborators a clear understanding of the vision and context.
  • Specify Roles and Skills Needed: Clearly outline the roles you’re looking to fill, along with the specific skills or expertise required (e.g., "seeking Python developers with Django experience for backend tasks").
  • Highlight the Value of Participation: Explain what collaborators will gain from the experience, such as opportunities to learn new technologies, contribute to open-source, or be part of an impactful project.
  • Mention Collaboration Tools and Workflow: Let potential collaborators know what tools (e.g., GitHub, Slack, Trello) and development workflows (e.g., Agile, pair programming) you plan to use for smooth communication and project management.
  • Foster Inclusivity and Enthusiasm: Use inviting language to create a welcoming environment for developers of all levels, emphasizing that the project encourages learning, teamwork, and creative problem-solving.

Alternatively, join our Discord channel and ask for collaboration there.

Managing and Applying for Opportunities

How do I manage and track my applications on PyBazaar?

At the moment, you apply for opportunities by email or on the websites linked from PyBazaar. There are no application forms on PyBazaar.

If you find such a feature useful, let us know.

Can I save opportunities to apply for later?

Not at the moment. If you find such a feature useful, please let us know.

Can I receive notifications for new job or collaboration opportunities that match my skills?

Not at the moment. But personalized notifications are a planned feature for Premium subscribers in the future.